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电话: 0574-63771702
传真: 0574-63771702
姓名: Rachel
Cixi Wal-hil Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd

  CIXI WAL-HIL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CO.,LTD , was established in 2006, located in Cixi City, only 67 kilometers away from Ningbo Port, the traffic is very convenient. It is a professional manufacturer of toaster ,sandwich maker, hander blender and electric kettle in Ningbo,China. Our factory covers 15000 square meters with construction area of 9000 square meters, Altogether there is 560 workers with 80 middle and senior technicians. As a specialized supplier , product are approved by G

主要产品/业务: toaster hand blender kettle sandwich maker mini steam iron

Cixi Wal-hil Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd / 浙江 / 浙江省慈溪是中央大厦北楼 (315300) / 电话:0574-63771702

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